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Commercial Construction & Contracting Services

Suffolk & Nassau County, Long Island & Brooklyn Commercial Construction Services

NYC General Pro Roofing offers an array of commercial construction services for people throughout Brooklyn and in both Suffolk County and Nassau County on Long Island. We offer a range of commercial construction services for businesses of all sizes, from general construction to various roofing services, to much more! There are countless items and scenarios to consider when undertaking any type of commercial construction project. As a result, it is vital to choose experienced commercial contractors who understand what it takes to achieve a successful project outcome. We would love to be your guide throughout the construction process. Every step of the way, our experienced contractors can help you get your project completed on time and on budget.

Your Expert Commercial Roofing Systems Contractor

When it comes to our commercial construction projects, installing different roofing systems is high on our list of expertise. It is in our name and we are proud to offer our excellent roofing services to commercial buildings throughout Brooklyn, Long Island, and the greater New York City area. 

Here are some of the different types of commercial roofs our contractors can install. Each of these roofing systems offer their own pros and cons. Our team of roofers can help you come to a smart decision for both your property and your wallet.

When you turn to NYC General Pro Roofing, you are getting the most for your money and time. And we stand behind our work 110%. Here are some images of completed roofing projects on commercial property. See the results for yourself!

Commercial ConstructionCommercial Construction

Professional Commercial Construction

Our contractors have been in the roofing industry for years and use their commercial contracting experience on every project. Our team has successfully led the design and build of numerous commercial buildings across Long Island and Brooklyn. Commercial contracting projects are no easy task and require the work of qualified and experienced contracts. NYC General Pro Roofing proudly provides heralded commercial construction services across Long Island & New York City. When you turn to us, you will be getting contractors with a rounded ability to handle any sort of commercial construction project.

Call For An Estimate

NYC General Pro Roofing has years of experience working on commercial buildings throughout the greater New York City area, which includes Brooklyn and both Suffolk and Nassau County. We can handle many issues that arise with your office building. We specialize in commercial roofing projects, such as the installation of EPDM & TPO roofs. Get professional care when you turn to us all at an affordable price.

For more information about our commercial construction services, please contact us today. We will gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have about an upcoming project. When you reach out, we can provide you with a free estimate. So please, reach out to us today to learn more about our services!

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NYC General Pro Roofing
143 Dixon Ave.
Amityville, NY 11701